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Dreamers, Keep Dreaming

There's something about the innocence of dreaming that is just indescribable. It's that thing inside of you that makes you tick, encourages you, refreshes you, energizes you, and makes you want to take on the world.

Adrenaline and heartbeats are running high over here in my little corner of the world. Sometimes we just need a little bit of encouragement to get us through the moment, and for me, a lot of that comes through music. It's just something that God uses to talk to me, and it amazes me constantly... maybe it's 'cause He knows He can get right to my heart that way.

As I listened through my favorite playlist this morning, I was reminded of how so many dreamers are broken because they listen to the voices of people that aren't in the place they want to be. They allow their friends or family trample all over their dreams... you know what I'm talking about. Those moments where they says things like "that kind of stuff, well that don't happen to people like us, or people where we're from don't do that," etc. Then the person never reaches their full potential or follows the dream that God's planted in their hearts. Maybe that was you at some point in your life.

Today, I am telling you NO MORE! It's the beginning of a new year. Why not make the choice this year that you won't let the naysayers stomp on your dreams. Get STRONG. Get BOLD. Get ON FIRE for the dreams that are rooted in our souls. Those dreams that we just can't shake; they keep us up at night, and that we know it's what we were meant to do!

The last few years for me have been filled with lots of major life events, and for a while, I felt stifled. I felt frustrated because I couldn't get my emotions out. Then, it hit me. DO WHAT YOU KNOW AND LOVE TO DO! So, here I am. I'm letting my creative outlet take control. I have begun researching what it will take to make my dream happen, and where I need to start. For now, I'm keeping it under my hat, but when the time is right, I'll let you in on my little secret ;-)

So dreamer, don't stop dreaming. Don't let someone else make the choice for you. One of my mentors (Linda Toupin) is renowned for her quote that "You are where you are by the choices you have made or allowed others to make for you." You know what? She is EXACTLY right! You can't allow someone else to take over your dream. Own it! If it was meant for them, God would've planted it in their soul... but He didn't. He gave it to you! And that, my friend is the best place to start! Go to Him in prayer and ask Him to show you the next step.

Dreamer, keep dreaming!

Now, share your dream in the comments below!

Finding Contentment,


Hello Beautiful!

Hi there! I'm Kimberly, and I am so glad you dropped by for a visit!!

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