Baking Soda and Mustard Seeds
Health Update #31
Hi friends! Welcome back!
Last week, I met with the kidney doctor for my bi-monthly appt. This round of labs was a little bit off from what they usually are. My sodium-bicarbonate (baking soda) was low. I didn't even know your body produced baking soda, let alone that the kidneys regulate it. He says they can put me on a pill for that, but I'd rather not if we can avoid it. Why is that usually a doctor's first response? We have a pill for that!
Then he gave me his schpiel on vaccines, and I politely let him know that I would not be taking any more. He understands my reasoning (vaccines trigger aHUS to activate & attack your body), but he told me this I should get them anyways. I try to take his disagreement on that with a grain of salt because three other doctors support my decision and think I shouldn't do anything to trigger the disease... it's a juggling act to take everyone's opinions into consideration while making the best decision for me. So, we do a lot of seeking the Lord's will & guidance.
We had another discussion about the transplant clinic. I am still waiting on a call-back from their scheduler. We are planning to meet with their doctors to discuss my options and to see if they will let me on the list without a couple of the shots. Baptist requires a whole list of vaccines just to even get on the transpalnt list, and because of my disease & how much it's attacked my body, we don't want to re-activate it. I understand hospitals make blanket policies all the time, but I also wish they would take patients' individual cases into consideration, especially when dealing with a disease as ultra-rare as mine. The kidney doctor said if Baptist wont work with me regarding the protocol & my disease, that he is going to send me to the transplant clinic at Duke or UNC-Chapel Hill.
Our prayer is still for healing in my kidney function and avoidance of a transplant if that is the Lord's will.
So we continue to wait & pray.
We have to go back in two weeks (Oct. 16) for a repeat lab draw. I also see my blood doctor and my primary care in around that time so we have a lot coming up.
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In my last post, I shared that we had the kids tested for the genetic defect, and we finally got those results back. One of the children does have the defective CFH gene, so we will have to be very careful moving forward to help them not trigger the disease.
Last week a friend asked how I was handling & processing that, and I told her "well, I haven't really. I received the information and that's about as far as I got."
As a mom, I just have to remind myself that my children belong to the Lord and that He is in control.
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Throughout this illness, I have done my best to handle it the best way I know how to - with a good attitude and trusting the Lord that it is meant for good. This week, however has been more emotional for me. Leaving the kidney doctors office feeling so defeated - again - just finally did me in. So, for once, I let myself have a really good cry... actually a few of them on Thursday & Friday. I have to admit, I felt way better afterward.
I had been reading my bible on Friday evening, and Matthew 13:31-32 really stuck out to me. It talks about the mustard seed and says that the mustard seed is the least of all seeds, but when it is grown, it grows greater than the herbs and becomes a tree so that the birds can come nest in it's branches. Later on that night, my prayer buddy texted to check on me. We chatted about some things I had been struggling with (faith, trusting, waiting, feelings & flesh). Then, she brought up the mustard seed. Clearly the Lord was trying to point something out, so I am digging into learning more about the mustard seed this week.
Then, yesterday, I read a post from a friend who is battling a different illness. She had put into words all the things I've been thinking and feeling. When I read her post to James he agreed that it was as if she knew my innermost thoughts. We were so encouraged and thankful that she had shared what was on her heart.
Some key points she shared:
How you have a lot of talks with the Lord when you go through a trial like this & growing in your faith.
Someone else always has it worse & there's always something to be thankful for.
How to fight the flesh and focusing on the eternal things (listen to music that praises the Lord & read scripture that does the same)
A specific thought she shared was that it is humbling how many people are praying for you, and for me that has certainly been the case. When I walk into church each week, there are particular folks that make sure to find me and let me know they are covering me in prayer. Early this morning, I received a text from a friend that the Lord had put me on her mind several times when she was praying. I try not to take that for granted because I am so grateful to have so many pouring into my life in this way. Those people's prayers have greatly encouraged me and carried me through... I truly believe that the Lord has given me much mercy because of your prayers.
In the midst of all of the above, I have been keeping myself busy. Maintaining a routine has been helpful for me... bible study & prayer, family, home, homeschool, work, and such make for full days. As fall has started to set in, my gardening is winding down. I still have a few little things to trim back and button up for the season.
We also have a lot of fun things planned for October, so there is much to look forward to. Thank you for being a part of our story. We hope you are encouraged and reminded that God loves you!
Specific Prayer Requests:
Lab results would return to normal on my next draw
Upcoming appointments with the blood & primary doctors
Healing for my kidneys
The disease would not trigger in my child
Healing for my friend
Be Blessed,
Beautiful friend. Love you. From one mustard seed mama to another. ❤️Always praying and will add these things specifically.