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Unintentional Sabbatical

Hi Friends! It's been a while - a whole year - since I've posted an update. This year has been a whirlwind of all the things, and I unintentionally took a sabbatical. Many times I have thought to myself that I needed to hop online and update this space, but time or other priorities took precedence.

Career Update

Earlier in the year, I decided that I was ready for a change of pace. My kiddos are getting older, and I started getting the itch to do something new. Real Estate is something I've always been interested in and have prayed / thought about over the years. I had also in discussions with a close friend about working together for the last 8 years. She had hoped that I'd go through school with her back then, but better late than never - right? She and I had a meeting at the beginning of January, and I made finally made the decision to go through Real Estate school. I earned my license and became a full broker all in the span of about six months. Working with one of my favorite people has been so fun that it doesn't really feel like work. We work well together & say that we are twin flames - often finishing each other's sentences, showing up unintentionally dressed alike, and sharing many of the same beliefs, values, and goals. I know I shouldn't be surprised, but it's always fun to see how the Lord works things like that out.

One question I get asked A LOT is if I will continue with my beauty boutique. The answer is yes, I'll still do that until the Lord tells me to let it go. So far, I have been able to juggle both this year... having a solid schedule and categorizing things on my to-do list has helped me to find a flow that is working.

Health Update

This year has been pretty steady in regard to my aHUS journey. It's probably the year that I have felt the most like myself since the original flare in 2021. I actually had an appointment with my blood doctor & a treatment today! The doctor was pleased with my labs and my overall health profile. He told me that he is currently seeing a couple patients with the same disorder and that "by far you are experiencing far better outcomes than the others." I told him that it wasn't lost on me that God has had a hand of protection over me, and I fully realize that. He agreed and we gave the Lord the glory.

We will continue on with the treatment regimen as my body is tolerating it well. He said today that the Ultimiris is doing it's job and keeping me in remission. Praise the Lord!

Based on today's lab work, it looks like my kidneys are still holding steady as well. My creatinine was 9.07, but all other labs were in the normal range, so nothing new. My hemoglobin is holding steady at 9.6, which is about "normal" for me since the flares.

My prayer is that my kidneys will experience enough recovery that I can avoid a transplant if that's the Lords will. Thus far, He's given me almost 3 years without one, and I know He can continue to sustain me if He chooses to.

Faith Update

This year, my faith has grown. The amount of spiritual attack that I have experienced has been wild. Our pastor said this Sunday that if your Christian walk is easy, you should examine that because you're probably doing it wrong. That was an encouragement to me and a little bit of assurance that I'm on the right track. Most people probably wouldn't have noticed that anything was out of the ordinary, but those that are closest to me did and have prayed alongside me through much of it.

Faith is like a muscle - the more you work it, the stronger it gets. When you study the Word & spend time in prayer, you will experience spiritual breakthroughs. It's important to remember, however, that after every spiritual breakthrough a battle will follow. This testing of your faith is where you will put action to your faith by trusting the Lord.

I have several things on my prayer list that I am rejoicing for, and several that I am asking for. Some spoken, and others that are just between me & the LORD. This year, I have clung to the verse Ephesians 3:20 "Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us."

I have restructured my schedule a little bit and hope to devote more time to my little space here on the internet in 2025. I hope you will stick around - I can't wait to share all the things the Lord is doing and will do in the coming year!

In Him,



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Hi there! I'm Kimberly, and I am so glad you dropped by for a visit!!

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