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Get it in check!

Well, Hello there friends!

Looks like time got away from me a little bit. I didn't realize that it had been two months since I have posted! I took my own advice and scaled back from social media a little bit, and the last two months have been a fruitful time around here. My beau and I have begun some home improvement projects, and I have been tackling a few projects and goals that I set for myself as well! Taking a break to gain a new perspective has been wonderful!

Most of all, I have been finding my way back "home" of sorts. I love reading my bible, but the last little bit, I'd been in a funk. It had become more of a tick on the to-do list, rather than a conversation with God. It is SOOOOOO easy to fall into a pattern of not spending time with God daily. Like any other relationship, when that happens, you'll find a disconnect. So, these last couple of months, I have taken that time to step back and reset my life a little bit. I've spent time reading, writing, and listening.... Focusing on the best things in life, instead of just the good things.

While I've been away, I have also been trying new recipes and reading some good books too! I will be sharing some of those things very soon as well. I think you will enjoy them. My children and I have spent some really good quality time together. I've spread my wings a little bit with my home-based business, and even redecorated a few areas of our home.

I have said from day one that I didn't want to write just to fill a space. I wanted to really share my life and my heart with you. Taking some time to step back has really helped me to evaluate where I was at, where I am going, and the parts of life that I want to share. That being said, I am so excited for what is to come on this blog. I have some 30-40 blog posts waiting in the wings for you, so be on the lookout. I will resume my normal weekly posting this week! I am so looking forward to spending more time with you this year!

What's new in your life? How has your year started off?

Finding contentment,


Hello Beautiful!

Hi there! I'm Kimberly, and I am so glad you dropped by for a visit!!

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