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Confessions of a Serial Book Starter

Anyone else struggle with finishing a book? Oh my word. I am seriously a serial book starter... and sometimes finisher. I know, I know. Don't judge. It's one of my many quirks. Usually it takes me FOREVER to finish a book. I am an easily excitable, but lose interest quickly kind of girl. On the D-I-S-C personality charts, I am a High "I" with just as much "C" which means, I am very excited & influential, but also very detailed... i.e. - in constant conflict with myself.

Now there a books that I can literally just sit down and read in a weekend (Mothers Together / Savannah from Savannah Series), but other times I get about 6 or 8 chapters in and I'm over it. I've lost interest, and am ready to move on to something fresh and new. (sigh)

So how am I overcoming my Book Starter, but seldom finisher dilemma?

1. Goodreads

I know. It's been around since the Garden of Eden, and I know I am late to the bandwagon (on time is when I arrive, right?) Okay, okay. So I joined Goodreads, and I have added a ton of the books in my personal library to my account and my hope is that with the accountability of knowing that my friends are watching, that I will finally make my way through my book collection.

I downloaded the app on my phone, and I LOVE that I can just scan a book's cover and add it right into my library quickly. I currently have a massive wish list of books.... on amazon, in my planner, on christianbook, you name it. (I know, I know! It's a vicious cycle.) Whenever I go into a bookstore, it never fails that I leave with about 5 or more pictures of new books on my phone that I want to read. I really love that I can just add them directly to my good reads list and voila, that's it! Everything in one place. I can hear the angels singing.

Want to follow along and see what I'm reading? Click Here

2. My Local Library

Something else I've been doing lately is utilizing my local library. A couple of years ago I was visiting with my friend Jenn from Edify & Enjoy and she really encouraged me to utilize our library. She told me that I could go online and request what I want and they'll have it on a shelf for me to pickup within a few days. Um, hello! Can we say time-saver? That is super handy! Besides the fact that borrowing from the library saves me a boatload of money... it also gives me a deadline which sort of forces me to finish the books I've borrowed. I have really enjoyed my monthly trips to the library over the last few years.

3. YOU!

Knowing that you are following along with me here on A Belle of Grace is also encouraging me to be more consistent in finishing books that I've started. You encourage me more than you'll ever know, and I love hearing your thoughts!

So here goes to a new phase of life... finishing all the books. lol!

Giving myself grace,


Hello Beautiful!

Hi there! I'm Kimberly, and I am so glad you dropped by for a visit!!

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