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Fall Bucket List 2018 #2 - Fall Candles

Fall Candles! Hooray!

Eeep! I LOVE candles. That was something that I had to compromise on when Mr. Beau and I got our first home. He is allergic to... well, life? lol! Okay seriously. He does have a lot of allergies, and we've found that *most* candles or smelly things tend to irritate his senses... especially anything with a spiciness to it. Imagine my surprise when I found a LOVELY fall candle at, of all places, ALDI! Anyone else get sidetracked in the "specials" aisle(s) at places like Aldi and Lydl? Yep. I have to really be self-disciplined and pass those aisles up or mysteriously, items just seem to jump into my cart. Hah!

Aaaaaaanyways. I found this ADORABLE candle at Aldi recently, and it is the perfect fall candle. I should've bought five because I am sure that they are gone. It's called pumpkin marshmallow and the brand is Huntington Home. It features a lovely, soft pumpkin scent with a hint of a sweet undertone to it. It's a soy blend scented candle. I can't find my receipt, but from what I can remember it was around $3.99-6.99.

So - if you are looking for a great fall candle, check your local Aldi and stock up if you find it!

Be Blessed,


Hello Beautiful!

Hi there! I'm Kimberly, and I am so glad you dropped by for a visit!!

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