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Mercy will restore me

Yesterday, I was having a conversation with a friend, and I shared with her a song that had really helped me with perspective as I've weathered storms of life the past 7 years.

As I started to reflect on that time, I have been able to see how far God has brought me, how much He's changed me, and how much He has taught me. The last 7 years, I have weathered storms that I just knew would finally break me. To look at me, you wouldn't know that or even know what I've gone through... Mostly because I have kept all that drawn in close... sharing only with my closest circle of friends have prayed me through it (you know who you are - and I am forever grateful for you.)

Seven years ago, I sat near the front of the sanctuary at Boones Creek Bible Church at a ladies conference. I remember it like it was yesterday. I prayed and asked God to do some "heart-work" in me. I had NO IDEA what I was asking for or what it would entail other than I just wanted to be transformed. I wanted to be more like Him. That was a bold and humble prayer.

The last 7 years have been a roller coaster of highs and low. I've battled an infertility journey, only to have God bless me with two children. I've seen toxic relationships removed from my life and replaced with healthy ones. My marriage was shaken & then was restored. Ministry opportunities came and went, and SO MUCH MORE.

I remember vividly the day last year (2018) when I prayed and asked God for some sunshine. It was March, and I was driving home after dropping my kids off at school. As I drove down a two-lane highway out in the country, I asked God to give me a season of sunshine. I told Him that I knew I had prayed for a season of heart work, but I needed a breather before I could go any further. I had weathered so many heavy storms in my life that I felt spent... emotionally and physically.

As I think about so many people in my life who are weathering their own storms, I am reminded of how full-circle it comes. See, beyond each storm we weather in life, there IS a seasons of sunshine coming. You just have to wait on the rain to pass.

I want to encourage that if you don't know Him already that you to meet my Savior, Jesus Christ. There's none greater to walk through this life with. A great place to start is to pray and ask for wisdom. This month, I am reading through the book of John. If you don't have a bible, I recommend the Youversion Bible App or

I would love to connect with you if you have questions or need someone to pray for you.

Resting in a season of sunshine,


Hello Beautiful!

Hi there! I'm Kimberly, and I am so glad you dropped by for a visit!!

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