God always keeps His promises...
June 8, 2011
The verse that God gave me this morning... Job 6:8 (June 8th) "Oh that I might have my request; and that God would grant me the thing that I long for!" I was so overwhelmed when I read this at 5:30 this morning! I had just been praying a special prayer, and I knew as soon as I read it that my prayers will be answered. Now I am being patient-trying my best. Thank you God for being such a loving and comforting Father!!
June 8th is a day that is very special to me! It's the day God very clearly gave me a promise and taught me (in a way that's so vivid even today) to TRUST HIM!
12 Years ago today was when God answered my prayer (during our infertility journey) with a promise that motherhood WAS in His plan for me. I remember that morning like it was yesterday. It was still. Quiet. James was still asleep. I was sitting in my prayer chair, quietly reading & praying before getting ready to go to work. I was reading through proverbs correlating the day with the scripture. That day, when I turned to Proverbs 6:8, I remember reading it and... nothing. Nothing stirred within me or spoke to me. Then as clear as day, I was overcome with something inside me telling me to go to Job 6:8.
Now, Job is not really the book of scripture you want to go read when you are down. He lost everything he owned, his family, friends. Satan was testing him, and God allowed it because He knew that Job would remain faithful through it all.
Despite my reservations, I flipped over to Job 6:8... BUT GOD! There it was... a promise that God had sent me to in that scripture.
The next month, I got pregnant with my girl.
She's both sugar & spice and will someday be a driving force for whatever she puts her mind to. She is a blessing and a daily reminder that God is still answering prayers.
Multiple times since getting aHUS, the Lord has affirmed that healing will be a part of my journey. When I've doubted or questioned that, He's faithfully reminded me over and over that part of this story will be healing. What that looks like or how that's gonna happen we still don't know. The doctors say aHUS is incurable and that is clearly at odds with healing, so how do those two converge? Those are questions I do not have answers for, but here's what I do know... God always keeps His promises.
Just last night James and I were discussing next steps & questions to ask the doctors later this month. The decisions we are facing are complicated at best. All the options stink. There are so many various factors to weigh, major risks on all sides doctors with opposite opinions, substantial life changes in various directions depending on what decisions are made. We don't have clear answers on what to do next, so we are in a season of waiting on the Lord for guidance. It seems like He's gone quiet, but if anything walking with Him for the last 22 years has taught me is that during those times He seems quiet, He is usually working behind the scenes preparing what's to come next.
When people ask me how I am doing my answer is usually "one day at a time!" because that's truly how I'm living. I have joy, and we take each day as it comes. We trust Jesus for whatever He leads us through today, and we'll figure out tomorrow when we get there.
We continue to wait, pray, share Jesus, and praise Him here in the in-between...
and on June 8th... I am reminded of the faithful promise of motherhood that He gave me 12 years ago... how He always keeps His promises.