Kidney Update
Sept 30th, 2021 - KIDNEY UPDATE
Overall, I am feeling pretty good. I still lose energy super quick, however the nausea & headaches are subsiding, and blood pressure is under control. My dr called this morning and said over the last 2 weeks my creatinine (hormone that measures kidney function) came down a whole point to 4.3. Normal is 1. This means my kidneys are still technically in failure, but are functioning better than they were - I'm down to where I was when I first went into the hospital so that's a positive.
The dr. says he's gonna continue to monitor me bc the biopsy I had two weeks ago didn't give him enough information about scar tissue. So this means we have to go by lab-work to figure out exactly what my new baseline normal will be. Will likely be a few months of going bi-weekly for blood draws to get that information.
Please continue to keep praying. The Lord is hearing and answering! I don't know why I am walking through this journey right now, but whatever the reason, may He get all the glory in it all.