Kidney Update
Sept 2nd, 2021 - Kidney Update
BUT GOD is all I can say! He is hearing your prayers, so please don't stop!
My kidney doc called a little after 9am, and my creatinine is coming down!!!!!! It came down from 6.3 to 5.22 this week!!!!!!!!
{{To put this in into perspective: I was 6.5 two weeks ago when i left the hospital, and a week later was 6.3. That was not enough movement to say I was improving. Then, this week I moved down a whole point, which was huge progress!}}
When I get back down to a 1, that means completely healed!
They still want to do the biopsy to determine how much scarring, so our prayer is that the biopsy will show no lasting damage.
Oh my word! This was amazing news!! Praise the LORD!!! And please keep praying!