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The trials we walk through...

"God can you change me so I can handle the things You're walking me through"

As we fast approach 1 year of my life being forever different, I am filled with gratitude....

Grateful to be alive with a CFH mutation that kills many who are diagnosed with it. Grateful to spend every day at home with my family. Grateful to have made it this far without dialysis. Grateful to be surrounded by praying people who have battled for me (I can never put into words how appreciative I am that you are willing to get on your knees and pray for me).

This Friday brings another round of blood work. My nerves have been on edge more than usual the last couple of weeks. Will it be different, will it be better? I see myself staring down multiple pathways not knowing which way God will take me, but knowing that He is changing me & preparing me to handle what He's asked me to walk through.

This morning in church, I fought back tears. Our sermon was on the pits of life, and how our greatest privilege is to praise God even when we don't understand... from someone who knows... it is truly a privilege.

My friend Denise shared yesterday exactly what I've been feeling lately but haven't been able to put into words as eloquently:

"It was the hardest trial I've ever experienced, but also the time when my Savior was so near and so comforting. I learned things I would've never learned [otherwise]. I experienced what it really means to know that God is enough. I understood Grace in trials as never before."

So, today, we praise God for the miracles He's done and the grace He's given us to handle the trials we walk through.



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Hi there! I'm Kimberly, and I am so glad you dropped by for a visit!!

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